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  • Inaugural Issue - January 2024 (#1)

Inaugural Issue - January 2024 (#1)

It's your dude Brent

Inaugural Issue - January 2024 (#1)

Greetings dear reader, its your dude Brent. After years of friends and loved ones pestering me for ‘Investment Advice’ via texts, calls, and LinkedIn I’ve decided to launch this newsletter. I used the word ‘pestering,’ but the truth is I love it. Anyone that will talk investing with me I will happily talk their ear off (as many of you may know). So here’s my new way of sharing whats in my head for all of your enjoyment/annoyance.

First note, I will NEVER tell anyone what THEY should do… thats for them to decide. I only tell them what I am doing, or would do in their situation. Financial advice is illegal, unless you’ve got a bunch of certifications that I don’t and don’t care to have. Certifications that program you to sell crap like mutual funds. Investments that only make the seller rich, not the buyer.  

Next, make no mistake I believe in getting rich at a decent pace. No, not get rich quick… but not get rich slow either. I believe the best plans for getting rich should be measured in years, not decades. Life is both too short and too uncertain to plan otherwise. Most people generally plan on retiring when they will most likely be too old and feeble to enjoy it. Dumb plan, make a new one.

Finally, let me lay out what I plan to do here.  I’ll be using a format that I’m hoping will maximize the benefit you, dear reader, will receive. Each newsletter will be broken down into three parts:

  • The first will address mindset and will aim to motivate. I don’t mean anything woo woo or cheesy. I mean getting your head right. For that reason I’ll include a little something to motivate you and get you in the right headspace.

  • The second is the money idea. I’ll lay out something I’m currently doing or exploring as an investor.

  • And finally I’ll provide a meme. Hopefully something to give you a slight chuckle. I’ll put it last as your reward for taking the time to read through. Ideally, I’ll choose my memes well and it motivates you each time to open this email. My sense of humor has been described as ‘off color’ so you’ve been warned.

And thats it! Should be brief and to the point. Here we go!


    There is virtually always someone dumber, lazier, uglier, poorer, less connected, or less talented who’s accomplished the thing you want to accomplish. If they can do it, so can you. Now get busy!


I’ve had a lot of people asking me what I think this year will be like for markets in general. And truthfully I’ve never had a year I’ve felt more conflicted in my answer. There’s a lot lining up that could mean we’ll have a bumper year.

On the flip side there is a slew of things that could happen to mess it all up and this list is by no means exhaustive:

  • Interest rates don’t fall or don’t fall enough and Real Estate feels the pinch

  • 2024 US presidential election is likely to be a dumpster fire. I won’t go into the weeds here, as I think most would agree, but this isn’t your run of the mill race. Could cause uncertainty and markets HATE uncertainty…

  • Inflation could shoot back up. Not a wild thought with wars going on in the middle east and oil prices are a major contributor to inflation.

  • The worlds second largest economy is really struggle bussing. What happened China? I thought you were cool…

  • The far-off prospect of World War III is looking obnoxiously more like a thing… as the US has involved itself in two world wars that involve major global players such as Russia and Iran.

  • Soft landing? Check this out, historically the more headlines that say ‘Soft Landing’ the less likely we actually will have a soft landing (meaning the Federal Reserve slows growth without creating a recession). The dark shaded areas indicate recessions….       Jeez, the 90s were incredible in every way…

So what am I doing? First, for the most part I’m staying put. Not pulling anything from my main equity and crypto positions. I’ve got a large position that I’ll detail in the next newsletter that I’m not touching. I’m not adding to and don’t plan to sell anything for at least another 9 months unless the wheels fall off.

Second, I’m raising a little cash. I just sold a commercial Real Estate property that’s performance had stalled and I’m positioning myself with the cash from it to be able to move quickly to take advantage of sell-offs if they come up. I personally love a good sell off. Key word is SALE (alright not really, but you get what I mean OK?). Having cash is great because then when something horrid happens that tanks the markets its not all bad, you at least get to do some shopping!

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That’s it for now folks! Until next time!

Copyright (C) 2024 Ann Royal Advisors All rights reserved.
The information contained on this Newsletter and any resources available for download through this newsletter are not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, financial advice. I am not an attorney, CPA, or financial advisor, nor am I holding myself out to be, and the information contained on this newsletter is not a substitute for financial advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. Make your own choices and don’t sue me please.

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